About me

Hey there!

I’m Raj Vora. This Blog is about small stories, my random thoughts and observations. I am a young, curious blog writer who loves photography.

I like reading fiction. The blog features small stories, some like a boat swaying in the ocean without any direction trying to find its way. Suggestions and critique invited.

The purpose of starting up this blog is to write better, frequently and share my thoughts with readers. Though, I haven’t exactly thought what yet. Professionally, I recently qualified as  a Chartered Accountant and am studying CFA.

The blog currently features the following categories:

  1. The Observer: Random thoughts, personal views and more!
  2. Poems: My attempt at writing poems, might not be rhyming though.
  3. The Writer: Short stories I write, interesting 2 minute reads.
  4. The Traveler: The places I see from my perspective! So you can experience them too!
  5. Quote it: Some of my Favorite quotes!
  6. The Photographer: Sharing my first experiments with a DSLR and previous pics clicked on digicam
  7. Sometimes I Wonder: Weird thoughts which pop up and are worth sharing

So, read on… I hope you enjoy reading my stuff!

13 thoughts on “About me”

  1. This was a great ‘about’ page. Thoughtful and interesting, and just enough to make me want to come back and read more. Looking forward to blog posts in the future.


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Travel, Adventure, Musings & more!